Trust That Hunch.

I’ve often been asked what advice I’d give to anyone wanting to enter a creative profession.

Here’s one I keep coming back to. When your heart/soul/ENTIRE BODY tells you to:

-       Ask a question

-       Take that class

-       Share someone’s magic

-       Offer your help

-       Pay that compliment

…LISTEN deeply, trust that hunch and act accordingly.

Decades ago, I asked a brilliant lyricist to let me audition for her show if it ever got the chance to grow. Within a year, she handed me a part in it – no audition required. This led to playing multiple roles in 3 successful productions of the project. That lyricist is Lisa Lambert and the show was The Drowsy Chaperone. (What if I’d never asked…?)

A few months back, I discovered that Michael Theo, a young Australian man featured on Netflix’s Love on The Spectrum had his own Podcast: Mr A+ With Michael Theo. 

I was instantly hooked and reached out to Michael as a fan, mentioning that I specialize in voiceover as an actor, coach and director. 

To my absolute delight, his producer contacted me and invited me to speak with Michael about character voices – which he absolutely loves to do. The hour I spent chatting (and performing) with Michael was one of the most joyful interviews I’ve ever done.

I’m so glad I reached out. Michael is one of the most authentic, caring and hilarious people I’ve had the privilege to meet. You can find the link to our conversation on the MEDIA page.

If you haven’t yet discovered Michael Theo, I hope you will now.

But only if your hunch tells you to.

Happy Spring!
